Yandex LLC Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreAt us there are a lot of different forms of cooperation with Tatarstan, but that we now sign, it is the real technological break because the first time in Europe for all will really go the UAVAt us there are a lot of different forms of cooperation with Tatarstan, but that we now sign, it is the real technological break because the first time in Europe for all will really go the UAV8/28/2018PRIMEWe strengthen the offer in an option together with Yandex Pei, having created even more favorable alternative to mile cards. Our subscribers will receive as much S7 miles, how many and Plus points for commission of transactions by the card of any Russian bank11/7/2023RUNET.NEWSWe want to tell teachers how to teach all volume that does not suffice to children: to digital skills, analytics use. Our plan - to train in three years 500 thousand teachers, that is almost every second teacher in the countryWe want to tell teachers how to teach all volume that does not suffice to children: to digital skills, analytics use. Our plan - to train in three years 500 thousand teachers, that is almost every second teacher in the country9/11/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"At us there are a lot of different forms of cooperation with Tatarstan, but that we now sign, it is the real technological break because the first time in Europe for all will really go the UAVAt us there are a lot of different forms of cooperation with Tatarstan, but that we now sign, it is the real technological break because the first time in Europe for all will really go the UAV8/28/2018PRIMEWe strengthen the offer in an option together with Yandex Pei, having created even more favorable alternative to mile cards. Our subscribers will receive as much S7 miles, how many and Plus points for commission of transactions by the card of any Russian bank11/7/2023RUNET.NEWSWe want to tell teachers how to teach all volume that does not suffice to children: to digital skills, analytics use. Our plan - to train in three years 500 thousand teachers, that is almost every second teacher in the countryWe want to tell teachers how to teach all volume that does not suffice to children: to digital skills, analytics use. Our plan - to train in three years 500 thousand teachers, that is almost every second teacher in the country9/11/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"At us there are a lot of different forms of cooperation with Tatarstan, but that we now sign, it is the real technological break because the first time in Europe for all will really go the UAVAt us there are a lot of different forms of cooperation with Tatarstan, but that we now sign, it is the real technological break because the first time in Europe for all will really go the UAV8/28/2018PRIME1233,238Company-related news+815 last weekCEOArtem Savinovsky0Media Score250Rank positionCEOArtem SavinovskyCountryRussian Federation3,255Connections+1,327 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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