SOCIAL FOUNDATION RUSSIA, SFR Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreNecessary resources will be found in the budget of RPF and, respectively, a volume of a transfer from the federal budget also will provide to the Pension fund all stated today the president of the Russian Federation of an initiativeNecessary resources will be found in the budget of RPF and, respectively, a volume of a transfer from the federal budget also will provide to the Pension fund all stated today the president of the Russian Federation of an initiative8/29/2018Rambler News ServiceNow this work comes to the end, we just approximately in the same terms — till October 1 as you know — both the federal budget, and the budget of RPF bring in the State Duma. That is this process too will be synchronized8/31/2018media holding "REN TV"Calculations whenever possible own receipt of funds in the Pension fund will change, certainly. But they will change only in 10 years. The first 10 years all calculations remain the sameCalculations whenever possible own receipt of funds in the Pension fund will change, certainly. But they will change only in 10 years. The first 10 years all calculations remain the same8/29/2018TASSNecessary resources will be found in the budget of RPF and, respectively, a volume of a transfer from the federal budget also will provide to the Pension fund all stated today the president of the Russian Federation of an initiativeNecessary resources will be found in the budget of RPF and, respectively, a volume of a transfer from the federal budget also will provide to the Pension fund all stated today the president of the Russian Federation of an initiative8/29/2018Rambler News ServiceNow this work comes to the end, we just approximately in the same terms — till October 1 as you know — both the federal budget, and the budget of RPF bring in the State Duma. That is this process too will be synchronized8/31/2018media holding "REN TV"Calculations whenever possible own receipt of funds in the Pension fund will change, certainly. But they will change only in 10 years. The first 10 years all calculations remain the sameCalculations whenever possible own receipt of funds in the Pension fund will change, certainly. But they will change only in 10 years. The first 10 years all calculations remain the same8/29/2018TASSNecessary resources will be found in the budget of RPF and, respectively, a volume of a transfer from the federal budget also will provide to the Pension fund all stated today the president of the Russian Federation of an initiativeNecessary resources will be found in the budget of RPF and, respectively, a volume of a transfer from the federal budget also will provide to the Pension fund all stated today the president of the Russian Federation of an initiative8/29/2018Rambler News Service1232,719Company-related news+402 last weekChairmanSergei Aleksandrovich Chirkov0Media Score250Rank positionChairmanSergei Aleksandrovich ChirkovCountryRussian Federation1,894Connections+604 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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