Обнародован состав правления омского «Совета муниципальных образований»

Структура объединила мэра Шелеста и глав восьми районов...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «BK55.ru» , more details in our Terms of Service
Sergei Nikolaevich Shelest
Last position: Mayor (Administration of Omsk)
Yvan Ivanovich Kutsevich
Last position: Head (Administration of the municipal district Tyukalinsk of the Omsk region)
Friedrich Aleksandrovich Metsler
Last position: Head (Administration of the municipal district Kalachinsk of the Omsk region)
Alexander Sukhonosov
Last position: Head (Administration of the municipal district Pavlogradsk of the Omsk region)
Cheboksarov Sergei