Сообщение «СУХАЯ» ПОБЕДА НАД «ОРЕНБУРЖЬЕМ»! появились сначала на Волейбольный клуб "Зенит" (Санкт-Петербург)...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Волейбольный клуб "Зенит"» , more details in our Terms of Service
Alexander Butko
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (Independent noncommercial organization "BK "Zenit" (Kazan city))
Vladimir Romanovich Alekno
Last position: Member of Public chamber of the Russian Federation (Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation)
Yvan Yakovlev
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "BK "ZENIT-SANKT-PETERBURG")
Victor Poletaev
Last position: The professional athlete on volleyball (INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "BK "ZENIT-SANKT-PETERBURG")