В Ростовской области ещё один замгубернатора покинет свой пост

Вадим Артёмов пробыл в должности 14 лет вместе с экс-губернатором региона Василием Голубевым...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Arguments and facts. Rostov-on-Don» , more details in our Terms of Service
Youri Borisovich Slyusar
Main activity:Official
Vasily Golubev
Last position: High councilor ("United Russia")
Vadim Artemov
Last position: Deputy Governor-chief of staff of the Government (Government of the Rostov region)
Vitaly Kushnarev
Main activity:Official
Eugenie Osychenko
Last position: Minister (Ministry of property and land relations, financial recovery of enterprises and organizations of the Rostov region)