Роналду просто забил, а Бензема забил и победил: «Аль-Наср» проиграл «Аль-Иттихаду» и отстал от него на 11 очков

Ассист на решающий гол у арендованного у «Локомотива»...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Evro-futbol.ru» , more details in our Terms of Service
Karim Mostafa Benzema
Main activity:Athlete
Cristiano Ronaldo
Main activity:Athlete
Stephen Sharl Bergveyn
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer
Predrag Raykovich
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Makkabi")
Danilu Luish Eliu Pereyra
Last position: The professional athlete of Portuguese national team on soccer (Football club "Port")
Football club "al-Sadd"
Main activity:Culture and sports
ФК «Аль-Иттихад»
Main activity:Culture and sports
Futbolny club "An-Nasr"
Main activity:Culture and sports