О проведении II школы молодых учёных «Волжский ветерок»

@RosNIPChI "Mikrob"
О проведении II школы молодых учёных «Волжский...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «РосНИПЧИ "Микроб"» , more details in our Terms of Service
Vitaly Zverev
Last position: Head of the department of microbiology, virology and immunology (FGAOU VO PERVY MGMU NAMED AFTER I. M. SECHENOVA MINZDRAVA RUSSIA (SECHENOVSKY UNIVERSITY))
Kamil Khafizov
Last position: Head of scientific group (Federal state-financed institution of science Central Research Institute Epidemiologii Rospotrebnadzora)
Vladimir Alekseevich Safronov
Last position: Actor, theatrical director, theatrical teacher, TV host
Govorun Vadim Markovich