Илариу уходит из "Челси" ради работы со сборной Англии

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Тренер вратарей "Челси" Энрике Илариу подал в отставку, чтобы войти в штаб Томаса Тухеля в сборной Англии...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «FAPL.ru — English soccer» , more details in our Terms of Service
Thomas Tuchel
Main activity:Official
Gareth Sautgeyt
Last position: Head coach of England national football team (FA)
Wilfredo Danielle Kabalyero Laskano
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Sautgempton")
Enrique Ilariu Meyrelesh Alvesh Sampayyu
Last position: Trainer of goalkeepers (Football club "Chelsi")