Поправки по аквакультуре на ГТС предложат доработать

Необходима доработка законопроекта об аквакультуре на ГТС инициаторами — думой Астраханской области. Поднятая проблема актуальна и ею должны заниматься также на федеральном уровне...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Fishnet.ru» , more details in our Terms of Service
Alexander Dvoynykh
Last position: Head (Administration of the city district Domodedovo of the Moscow region)
Eugenie Semenovich Kats
Last position: The director of the department of regulation in the field of fishery and aquaculture (fish breeding) (Ministry for agriculture of the Russian Federation)
Gennady Ivanovich Ordenov
Last position: Senator from legislative (representative) public authority of the Astrakhan region (Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)