ФК «Псков» и один из псковских футболистов отмечены наградами полпредства Президента РФ в СЗФО

ФК «Псков» и один из псковских футболистов отмечены наградами полпредства Президента РФ в...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Government of the Pskov area» , more details in our Terms of Service
Lyubov Sovershaeva
Last position: Deputy plenipotentiary (Device of Plenipotentiary of President of the Russian Federation in of the Northwestern Federal District)
Nicholas Borisovich Golubev
Last position: Secretary general (Public organization "Local religious organization "Severo-Zapad")
Babinin Vladimir
Makeev Vladimir
Ovsova Galina