Назад в СССР: бывший мэр Екатеринбурга предложил возродить Госплан и вернуть на Лубянку памятник Дзержинскому

Александр Высокинский объяснил, как это спасет уральские...
Alexander Vysokinsky
Last position: First Deputy Governor (Government of the Sverdlovsk region)
Natalia Zubarevich
Last position: The teacher, professor on chair of economic and social geography of Russia of geographical faculty (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Nikolai Smirnov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Energy and Housing-Communal Services of the Sverdlovsk region)
Vladimir Alekseevich Geyko
Last position: The Deputy Head of Yekaterinburg concerning housing and municipal services (Administration of Yekaterinburg)
Romanov Yaromir