Мурат Кумпилов и Евгений Миронов обсудили новые творческие проекты в РА

В Адыгее проводятся съемки фильма «Арсеньев...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Arguments and the Facts - Adygea» , more details in our Terms of Service
Murat Kumpilov
Last position: Head (Head of the Republic of Adygea)
Eugenie Mironov
Last position: Artistic director (State theater Nations)
Ilya Tilkin
Last position: Screenwriter, theatrical director, playwright
Youri Autlev
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Adygea)
Dimitri Kiselyov
Last position: Director, actor, screenwriter, music video director