Испытание снегом. Справятся ли воронежские коммунальщики с капризами зимней погоды

Первые серьёзные снегопады синоптики прогнозируют в начале декабря...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Вести Воронеж» , more details in our Terms of Service
Sergei Petrin
Last position: First Deputy Head of municipal economy (Administration of the city district Voronezh city)
Dmitry Solomakha
Last position: Head (State Housing Inspectorate of the Voronezh region)
Alexander Ivanovich Sushkov
Last position: Chief of the Hydrometeocenter of the Voronezh region (Federal state-financed institution "Tsentralno-Chernozemnoye administration office po gidrometeorologii i monitoringu okruzhayushchey sredy")
Nesterov Andrey