Штырков и Сарнавский могут выступить в одном карде турнира RCC 21

Глава промоушена RCC Николай Клименко рассказал о планах усилить кард турнира RCC 21...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «TV match» , more details in our Terms of Service
Alexander Pavlovich Shlemenko
Last position: The professional athlete on the mixed martial arts
Anatoly Aleksandrovich Tokov
Last position: The professional athlete on mixed martial arts
Yvan Shtyrkov
Last position: The professional athlete on sambo and mixed martial arts
Timur Nagibin
Last position: The professional athlete on the mixed martial arts (LLC "RASHEN KEYDZHFAYTING CHEMPIONSHIP")
Alexander Sarnavsky
Last position: The professional athlete on the mixed martial arts (LLC "ABSOLUTE CHAMPIONSHIP "AKHMAT")
Fight Nights