Русская банда раздавила финалиста Кубка Стэнли. И сломала лучшего хоккеиста НХЛ

Яркое выступление российских игроков в матче против «Эдмонтона...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «sports online portal ""» , more details in our Terms of Service
Konnor Makdevid
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Hockey club "Edmonton Oylerz")
Daniel Tarasov
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Hockey club "Kolambus Blue Dzhekets")
Yegor Chinakhov
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Hockey club "Kolambus Blue Dzhekets")
Cole Sillindzher
Last position: The professional athlete on hockey (Hockey club "Kolambus Blue Dzhekets")