Андрей Макаров: выполнение соцобязательств, обеспечение обороноспособности и достижение технологического суверенитета — приоритеты при формировании бюджета на 2025–2027 годы

Профильный Комитет по бюджету и налогам приступил к рассмотрению законопроектов о федеральном бюджете на 2025 год и плановый период 2026 и 2027 годов и бюджетах внебюджетных...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «State Duma of Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation» , more details in our Terms of Service
Maxime Reshetnikov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation)
Anton Siluanov
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation)
Ayrat Farrakhov
Last position: Deputy, member of the committee on the budget and taxes, vice-chairman of the commission to questions of support of a small and medium entrepreneurship (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Boris Kovalchuk
Main activity:Official
Andrey Mikhaylovich Makarov
Last position: The Chairman of the Committee on the budget and taxes (State Duma Committee on Budget and Taxes)