28 сентября у Мемориального комплекса воинам-сибирякам прошла патриотическая акция

Участники мероприятия почтили память погибших воинов томской 166-й стрелковой дивизии...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Department of national policy and interregional communications of the city of Moscow» , more details in our Terms of Service
Vladimir Mazur
Last position: Acting as governor (Administration of the Tomsk region)
Oksana Kozlovskaya
Last position: Chairman (Legislative Duma of the Tomsk region)
Igor Lyakhov
Last position: Chairman (Smolensk regional Duma)
Ashot Yegikyan
Last position: Head of the municipality (Administration of the municipal entity Kholm-Zhirkovsky district of the Smolensk region)