Сын курганского депутата взял к себе на работу бывшего мэра

Бывший глава Шадринска (Курганская область) Виктор Ермишкин стал гендиректором ООО «Котельная ДСК», которой владеет сын депутата облдумы Валерия Порубова — Сергей. Данная информация размещена на сервисе СБИС...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Russian information agency "Ura.Ru"» , more details in our Terms of Service
Valery Porubov
Last position: The deputy, the Member of the committee under the budget, a financial and tax policy, the member of the committee on the regional policy and local government (Shadrinsk city City Council )
Victor Nikolaevich Yermishkin
Last position: The member of the All-Russian congress of municipal units in committee on Housing and communal services (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Main activity:Public administration
Government Agency