После смены городской власти из администрации Новосибирска ушли 4 вице-мэра

Речь об Артёме Скатове, Геннадии Захарове, Анне Терешковой, Алексее...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «AIF-Novosibirsk» , more details in our Terms of Service
Aleksey Kondratyev
Last position: The deputy mayor of the city of Novosibirsk - the chief (DSA mayor's office)
Artyom Skatov
Last position: Deputy mayor (City Administration of Novosibirsk city)
Gennady Pavlovich Zakharov
Last position: First deputy mayor (City Administration of Novosibirsk city)
 Anna Tereshkova
Last position: The deputy mayor of the city of Novosibirsk - the chief (Department of Culture, Sports and Youth Policy of mayor's office of the Novosibirsk city)