В каких клубах выступают воспитанники «Спартака» в сезоне-2024/25

Продолжаем исследовать, количество воспитанников ведущих команд, играющих в РПЛ, и поговорим о спартаковской...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Evro-futbol.ru» , more details in our Terms of Service
Alexander Maksimenko
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "FC "SPARTAK-MOSKVA")
Alexander Lomovitsky
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (LLC ФК "RUBIN")
Антон Владимирович Митрюшкин
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Syon")
Zelimkhan Bakaev
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "FC "SPARTAK-MOSKVA")
Irakly Chezhiya
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Non-commercial partnership "FGC "Dolgoprudny")