Магия традиций и дух состязаний: больше 10 тысяч человек собрал гастрофестиваль «Хорхог. Агинская баранина на камнях»

Мероприятие проходит в крае уже в 4-й...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Chita. Ru» , more details in our Terms of Service
Buyanto Batomunkuev
Last position: The Deputy Prime Minister of Zabaykalsky Krai – the head (Administration of the Aginsky Buryatsky district of the Zabaykalsky Territory)
Ayagma Garmaevna Vanchikova
Last position: Deputy governor (Government of the Zabaykalsky Territory)
Tsyrenzhapov Bato