ФАС России представила ключевые тенденции в сфере антимонопольного регулирования

Представители ФАС сообщили актуальную информацию в рамках «Антимонопольного форума 2024...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «EnergyLand.info — the Internet portal of community of energy industry» , more details in our Terms of Service
Sergei Puzyrevsky
Main activity:Official
Andrey Tsyganov
Last position: Deputy head (Federal antimonopoly service)
Helena Zaeva
Last position: Head of department of regulation of communication and information technologies (Federal antimonopoly service)
Nadezhda Sharavskaya
Last position: Deputy chief of a public health department and social policy of Management of control of the social sphere and trade (Federal antimonopoly service)