Всечувашский "Акатуй" на ВДНХ собрал более 150 тысяч человек

Всечувашский "Акатуй" с большим размахом отметили в столице страны. Главный чувашский праздник земледелия собрал на ВДНХ более 150 тысяч человек...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «ГТРК "Чувашия"» , more details in our Terms of Service
Oleg Alekseevich Nikolaev
Last position: Head (Government of the Chuvash Republic)
Nikolay Fyodorov
Last position: Representative from executive body of the government of the Chuvash Republic (Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Svetlana Kalikova
Last position: Acting as minister (Ministry of culture, nationalities and archiving of the Chuvash Republic)
Salaeva Alla
Vladimirov Nicholas