Брянскую область с рабочей поездкой посетила делегация Совета Федерации РФ в рамках проекта «Социальный маршрут. Мобильный сенатор»

16 мая в Брянскую область прибыла делегация Совета Федерации РФ во главе с заместителем Председателя Совета Федерации Инной Святенко...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Government of the Bryansk region» , more details in our Terms of Service
Helena Perminova
Last position: First deputy chairman (Council of the Federation Budget and Financial Markets Committee)
Inna Svyatenko
Last position: Chairman (Council of the Federation Committee on Social Policy)
Julia Lazutkin
Last position: Vice-chairman (Legislative Assembly of the Penza region)
Darya Lantratov
Last position: Member of council from the Luhansk People's Republic (Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Galina Solodun
Last position: Member of the committee (Federal Council Committee on Federal Structure, Regional Politics, Local Government and Affairs of the North)