Операцию делали без наркоза: как себя чувствует 75-летний Куклачев после инфаркта

Дрессировщик Юрий Куклачев перенес обширный инфаркт. Как прошла операция и как чувствует себя артист, узнала программа Пятого канала «Светская хроника...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «5 channel» , more details in our Terms of Service
Philipp Bedrosovich Kirkorov
Last position: Singer, musical producer, composer
Jaroslaw Dronov (SHAMAN)
Last position: Singer, musician, composer
Larissa Dolina
Last position: Manager of chair of variety and jazz singing (MOSCOW CITY GOSUDARSTVENNY HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION KULTURY)
Youri Kuklachev
Last position: Artistic director (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Theater koshek Kuklacheva")
Zaur Shugushev
Last position: Chief cardiologist of the Central directorate of health care (JSC "RZHD")