Пять игроков «Челси» вошли в шорт-лист премии «игрок года»

Квинтет «Челси» Лорен Джеймс, Сэм Керр, Джесс Картер, Гуро Райтен и капитан Милли Брайт были номинированы...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Russian-speaking site of fans of FC of Chelsea» , more details in our Terms of Service
Samantha Mae Kerr (Sam Kerr)
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer
Nikita Dzhozefina Perris
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Arsenal" (London))
Lauren James
Kheyz Emma
Makkeyb Cathy
FC "Manchester City"
Main activity:Culture and sports
Football club "Manchester United"
Main activity:Culture and sports