Новая Зеландия расширила санкции против РФ

Санкционный перечень пополнился 61 позицией. В него попали в том числе топ-менеджеры крупных российских банков...
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Dmitry Pyanov
Last position: Board member (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK VTB")
Izabella Zlatkis
Main activity:Official
Youri Nikolaevich Andresov
Last position: Head of Consulting council (HCF Bank LLC)
Olga Dergunova
Last position: Deputy president-chairman of the board (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK VTB")
Natalia Dirks
Last position: The Head of Department of operational support of business — the senior vice-president (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "BANK VTB")