Глава Игринского района возглавил рейтинг глав муниципалитетов Удмуртии по качеству ведения страниц в соцсетях

Мэр Ижевска Дмитрий Чистяков спустился на последнюю строчку рейтинга...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Project Sus@nin» , more details in our Terms of Service
Youri Novoydarsky
Last position: Head of the municipality (Administration of the municipal entity Balezino district)
Dimitri Aleksandrovich Chistyakov
Last position: Deputy head of administration (Administration of the municipal entity Izhevsk city)
Alexander Chirkov
Last position: Head of the municipality (Administration of the municipal entity Igra district)
Vasilii Protopopov
Last position: Head of the municipality (Administration of the municipal entity Selty district)
Victor Mikhaylovich Shestakov
Last position: First deputy head of administration (Administration of Sarapul)