To whom will give heart Shvetsova Maria : "Secrecy of the investigation" again on air

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On December 18 investigator comes back to TV screens of the country on especially difficult affairs Shvetsova Maria ! The real master of puzzles, to it in power to untangle the most cunning crime. The first meeting with new "Secrecy of the investigation" on air of the Russia channel will take place this evening, at 21:30. Shvetsova Maria always undertakes the difficult affairs demanding non-standard approach. Her knowledge and the professional experience multiplied by phenomenal intuition, allows to untangle the most difficult criminal knot and to find the criminal. "If you noticed, Shvetsova Maria always with a notebook, with the handle. She writes down everything, she...
 Anna Kovalchuk
Last position: Actress
Shvetsova Maria
Kovalchuk Zlata
Korablev Leonid
Kolonkova Ludmila