"To crimes drives hunger, instead of series". Why the ban of series "Word of the Boy" will not change a situation with crime

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A column of the correspondent of MSK1.RU about the most dramatic project of year "The word of the boy. Blood on asphalt" (18%2B) — the most discussed series and one of the main projects of 2023. In series it is a question of life of patsansky gangs to Kazan the 80th. Final series still continue to leave (though their draft options and merged in a network), but the sensation round release does not cease. The part of audience wants to forbid series, the part remained delighted. Even among those who did not watch it. The correspondent of MSK1.RU Bondarev Dimitri looked at everything 7 series which have left officially of series and explains why the series will not affect in any way on...