Alexander Sokolov, Governor of the Kirov region: All our country rallied round the President, round fight for the sovereignty and independence

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Our enemies considered that we in the face of difficulties will give a weak point, he told on Congress fields. "But Russian Federation only becomes stronger. And therefore today we here to support our Leader in his promotion, to sum up some results of the previous period", - Alexander Sokolov told. The most important - to provide solidarity, the civil world and unity of our society, he emphasized. "United Russia" Party from the first day of special military operation proved from the best party. Thousands of humanitarian escorts, care of our children on a front line, care of families of the military personnel. Set...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
1 659
Alexander Sokolov
Last position: Governor (Governor of the Kirov region)
Main activity:Culture and sports
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism