Inhabitants next to Gagauzia will try to choose villages once again primara

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On Sunday, December 17 in Aluatu's village District of Taraclia will take place repeated vote in the second round of elections to a position primara. In the ballot former two candidates are specified: from political party ""Civil Initiative" Party" and Parties of socialists of the Republic of Moldova, in decreasing order of quantity of the votes collected in the second round of repeated elections on December 3. In the settlement only one polling station will open, and at a ballot box about 770 voters are expected. For them 768 bulletins will be printed. Also on Saturday till 14:00 voters who cannot come on...
"Civil Initiative"
Political ideology:Liberalism
Party of socialists Moldova
Political ideology:Социал-демократия, молдовенизм, евроскептицизм, русофильство, левоцентризм, румынофобия