To the hockey player of Novokuznetsk "Metallurgist" got the fad on a throat

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Moscow, 15 Dec - Federal state unitary enterprise RAMI "RIA Novosti". To the defender of Novokuznetsk "Metallurgist" Lyulko Vitaliya got the fad on a throat during a match Championship of the All-Russian hockey league (VHL) against Hockey club "Bars" of the Kazan city. Incident happened in the second period of a meeting between "Leopard" and "Metallurgist" (2:3 FROM) which took place in Friday to Kazan. One of players "Barsa" passed to gate and fell to ice. During falling it cut with the fad Lyulko Vitaliya around a throat. The hockey player who has received a cut, left towards a bench, holding a throat. At the end of October 29-year-old Adam Johnson the fad received a neck cut in...