The New Year's fairy tale "Christmas in Muzykolandiya" will show in Moscow

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FEDERAL STATE BUDGET CULTURAL INSTITUTION "GKD" will show from December 22 to January 7 the New Year's musical and circus fairy tale "Christmas in Muzykolandiya" on a scene of the Small Hall. Before the audience surprising events which will transfer to the world of the New Year's imagination and a colourful carnival will be developed. This fascinating adventure of the girl Nastya who likes to compose fantastic stories. Having fallen asleep, the main character gets to the magic country to Muzykolandy where it should help the princess Eola and her prince to win against a dark side and not to allow harmful Kakofon to rule the kingdom. Over statement directors worked...
Svetlana Feodulova
Last position: Soloist (Prague state opera)
Otyakovsky Dimitri