The Petkim TANAP and Petkim Petrokimya Holding A. S in the center of attention of the international oil and gas Congress in Istanbul

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BAKU/Trend/-Projects of the forthcoming expansion of the TANAP gas pipeline and modernization of Petkim Petrokimya Holding A. S were among the main investment projects from more than 15 international projects which are discussed on the Second International congress "by Turkiye %26 Black Sea Oil and Gas - 2023", passing in Istanbul, transfers in chetvergTrend. Action is organized by the international group of companies LLC "Management company "Vostok Kapital". As reports State oil company Azerbaidjan to Turkey through social networks, the director of projects of business division of State oil company Azerbaidjan Turkey on oil processing and petrochemistry Guliev Afgan participates in panel discussion "Advantages and...