More than 1 thousand graduates of Moscow area visited a regional action "GIA. Sensibleness. Career guidance"

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On the basis of Volokolamsk Sports palace "Lama" there took place a regional action "GIA. Sensibleness. Career guidance". About it reported in the press service of the Ministry of Education Moscow Region. Action collected more than 1 thousand being trained 9 and 11 classes, and also their parents from several city districts, among which: Volokolamsk, Shakhovskaya, Lotoshino, Rising. The master classes organized by educational institutions of an average and higher education, became the main event of action. Representatives of Volokolamsk branch of the Krasnogorsk college, Volokolamsk agrarian technical school...
Tatyana Serdyukov
Last position: Deputy, member of the committee by training, to culture, science, tourism, sport and youth policy (Regional Duma of Moscow)
Kozlova Natalia
Shornikov Sergei