George Timothy Clooney funny reacted to a question of the future as Batman

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George Timothy Clooney with humour answered a question of the future as Batman. "Hey yeah. For some reason I did not hear many requests for that I repeated Batman's role, I do not know even why", - told George Timothy Clooney in The Hollywood Reporter interview when it asked, whether was it kameo in "Flash" disposable. The movie "Flash" shot by the director Musketti Andy, unites Batmen and Supermen from different eras of pop culture. Bruce Wayne from movies Timothy Walter Berton plays an important role in the movie as Allan Barry appears in other timeline after tries to copy history and to save life of the mother...
George Timothy Clooney
Last position: Actor, film producer, film director, screenwriter
Benjamin Geza Afflek-Boldt (Ben Afflek)
Last position: Actor, screenwriter, film director, producer
Musketti Andy