Conditional and early pension

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The conditional and early pension How to create long-term savings and to defreeze pension accumulation in 2024 Since January 1, 2024 in Russia will earn the new mechanism of formation of voluntary pension savings — the Program of Long-term Savings (PLTS) initiated by the state. "Money" found out, what pluses participation in PDS gives and to what investors it can be interesting. Photo: Petrosyan Alexander, the Kommersant Game in the long term the Program of long-term savings appeared as result of collaboration of the Ministry of Finance and the Central Bank of reforming of system of pension accumulation, which...
Ruslan Nikolaevich Vesterovsky
Main activity:Official
Aleksey Timofeev
Last position: President (NAUFOR)
Petrosyan Alexander
Prolisko Anna
Belyakov Sergei