IK-12 UFSIN of Russia on the Republic of Mordovia were visited by the prosecutor of the republic

@FSIN Rossii
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The corrective colony No. 12 of Management of Federal Penitentiary Service on the Republic of Mordovia was visited the prosecutor of the republic Sergei Lapin, the Commissioner for Human Rights Valery Fedorovich Levin, and also by members of ONK Levin Alexander and Shikina Galina. The head of supervising department of the republic and human rights activists accompanied by the acting the chief of UFSIN Lomakin Pawel made round of the main objects of correctional facility. Representatives of supervising department and human rights activists visited locked rooms, a production zone of establishment, a dining room, medical part, premises of groups, school, and...
Sergei Lapin
Last position: Prosecutor (Prosecutor's office of the Republic of Mordovia)
Valery Fedorovich Levin
Last position: Representative (Device of Commissioner for Human Rights in of the Republic of Mordovia)
Levin Alexander
Shikina Galina
Lomakin Pawel