"Locked me and 17 hours did not let out! ": Voks Alisa opened the truth about Leningrad group

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The girl left collective in 2016 Popular Russian group "Leningrad" under the leadership of Sergei Shnurov replaced in collective not one soloist, but one of the most memorable girls were Julia Kogan and Voks Alisa. Extreme from them the day before became Artur Bazinyan's guest of a podcast "Pkhalikhinkali" and told how actually everything was arranged in group and how awfully was to be in collective with Sergei Shnurov. Voks Alisa admitted that at first because of a man's environment felt dickey and felt discomfort. In addition, when Voks Alisa only got to group...
Sergei Shnurov (Shnur)
Main activity:Show business personality
Julia Kogan
Last position: Singer
Voks Alisa