"I all the same Russian". Interview to the Petersburger Volodin Nikita who won for Germany The Grand Prix final on figure skating

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The Petersburg figure skater Volodin Nikita flying the flag Germany became the winner The Grand Prix final on figure skating together with Minerva Fabienne Haze. The department of sports of online newspaper "Fontanka.ru" contacted it and listened to its story. The figure skater Volodin Nikita was born in 1999 in Saint Petersburg. Till 2022 he played in pair figure skating for Russian Federation on the international starts. In the homeland he long and unsuccessfully tried to find the partner, from a despair even called in pair figure skating to Eugenia Medvedeva, but everything was vain. As a result of it invited to Germany to try to drive with Minerva Fabienne Haze. It turned out very successfully. On December 8 they flying the flag...