On the Small scene of Big Drama Theatre will show the performance "Day of Number of Pi" about modern Mozart and Salieri

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The story is told "from the head" teenagers and is under construction as a stream of their internal monologues which at some instant meet in one point. And then it becomes clear that heroes not such and different. At the heart of statement of the director Dzhavadova Famila "Day of number of Pi" — the story of Nina Dashevskaya. The boy Leva — the autist and the genius who lives in the world of mathematical formulas and is capable to hear melodies on faces of people. Kirill — Leva's schoolmate and his "enemy", the average school student who is not given game on a contrabass. These two, as Mozart and Salieri, and between them — music and a muse —...
Nina Dashevskaya
Last position: Writer
Irina Patrakova
Last position: Actress (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)
Anton Shvarts
Last position: Actor (BIG Drama Theatre named after G. A. Tovstonogova)
Dzhavadova Famila