Blogger historian Klim Aleksandrovich Zhukov: "What clever man found a chavs romanticizing in "The word of the boy"? "

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KAZAN, on December 12, Federalpress. The historian, the blogger and the publicist Klim Aleksandrovich Zhukov commented on work of cinematographers and a plot of sensational series "The word of the boy. Blood on asphalt" (18%2B). The movie about groups of Kazan as drama work did not cause in it delight. "The strangest director's decisions. For example, credits of opposite not exhibited characters – where whom will shoot then. To me as the viewer, to spit, I nouneymov in any way for all cinemas did not recognize these", – he wrote in the telegram-channel. According to the blogger, he saw in series of a tear in the scenario and logic of a narration, low...