System of fast payments will return 10% in rubles for purchases in the favourite Action supermarkets will be prolonged till December 24, 2023. Users of System of fast payments can receive 10% of the check sum in grocery shops

@Ekspert JuG
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erid: LdtCKUPBG the Action will be prolonged till December 24, 2023. Users of System of fast payments can receive 10% of the check sum in grocery shops. Within several days they rubles will return back into the account from which with help appendices purchase was paid. For receiving keshbeka it is necessary to pay for purchases through System of fast payments in one contact – to put smartphone with installed application SBPEY to the NFC plate in a cash zone of shop. Before payment of purchases it is necessary to check registration in loyalty program on a site or in a mobile application "Hello! ", and also to bind...
Last position: Marketing director and to communications of Mir payment service provider (JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "NSPK")
Main activity:Communication and IT