The parliament of Japan rejected the resolution on a vote of no confidence to the head of the government

@RIA Novosti
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TOKYO, 12 Dec – RIA Novosti news agency. The resolution on a vote of no confidence to Khirokadzu Matsuno to the secretary general of the government, "the right hand" prime minister Fumio Kisida, brought in parliament oppositional Constitutional democratic party of Japan, was rejected by a majority vote. Translation goes on the air on the official channel of the lower house. Matsuno was in the scandal center about concealment of the income from political meetings by the largest fraction Shinzo Abe, and then redistribution to their deputies in the form of "kickbacks". Matsuno from September, 2019 to October, 2021 was secretary general...
Khirokadzu Matsuno
Last position: Secretary general (Cabinet of Japan)
Fumio Kisida
Main activity:Politician
Shinzo Abe
Main activity:Politician
Yasutosi Nisimura
Last position: Minister (Department of Economic Affairs, trade and industry of State of Japan)
Коити Хагиуда
Last position: Member of the House of Representatives