The Russian parallel action on KS-28

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On December 10 at the Climatic summit in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) KS-28 passed the Russian parallel action "Science – as a basis of the solution of the problems connected with climate change in the cryosphere and the hydrosphere". In action took part in quality of speakers the deputy head of the Russian delegation the head of Roshydromet Igor Shumakov, the deputy minister of natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation Sergei Mikhaylovich Anoprienko, the deputy director general for science and strategy Rosatom State corporation Youri Aleksandrovich Olenin, the director of Institute of the Arctic and Antarctic of Roshydromet Makarov Alexander and the Co-chairman...
Andrey Melnichenko
Main activity:Businessman
Igor Shumakov
Last position: Head (Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring)
Youri Aleksandrovich Olenin
Last position: The deputy CEO – Blok's director of management of innovations (State corporation "Rosatom")
Sergei Mikhaylovich Anoprienko
Last position: Deputy minister (Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation)
Makarov Alexander