Стали известны лауреаты Международной премии «Согласие»

Заветную статуэтку получили выдающиеся деятели политики и культуры, известные ученые, общественные деятели, представители духовенства и СМИ...
Copyright information of photo and video materials was taken from the website «Department of national policy and interregional communications of the city of Moscow» , more details in our Terms of Service
Davide Fedorovich Tukhmanov
Last position: Composer
Stanislas Bedkin
Last position: Deputy head (FADN OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION)
Andranik Migranyan
Main activity:Field expert
Vitaly Tovievich Tretyakov
Last position: Dean of the Higher school (faculty) of television (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Karen Avanesyan
Last position: Stage and film actor