Meeting on development of basic settlements of the Arctic zone

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Vladimir Putin: Dear colleagues, good afternoon! We will discuss today questions of development of the Arctic. And first of all it will be a question of questions of quality of life of people, of modern shape and the future of our northern cities and settlements – as new, founded in the XX century, and the cities with centuries-old history. All of them, certainly, are symbols, an embodiment of huge will, an enormous role, it is possible to tell, impudences, work, courage of many generations of our ancestors and our contemporaries, certainly, too which mastered and master the North. Today million people live here, work, establish families, raise children...
Vladimir Putin
Last position: President of the Russian Federation (President of the Russian Federation)
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Aysen Nikolaev
Last position: Head (Glava of the Sakha Republic)
Andrey Chibis
Last position: Governor (Government of the Murmansk region)
Irek Fayzullin
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Construction and Housing-Communal Services of the Russian Federation)
Dmitry Chernyshenko
Last position: Vice-chairman (Government of the Russian Federation)