Kabardino-Balkar Republic and Mail Bank develop cooperation

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The head of KBR Kazbek Kokov and the president-chairman of the board Pochta Banka Alexander Pakhomov signed the cooperation agreement and "road map", and also discussed the joint projects directed on increase of availability of financial services and services and implementation of socially significant projects on the territory of the region. In focus of a meeting there were the projects aimed at development in the republic of modern bank technologies and infrastructure for increase of availability and quality of financial services for the population, including in small settlements, and also for pensioners and preferential categories of citizens...
Kazbek Kokov
Last position: Head of Kabardino-Balkar Republic (Head of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic)
Alexander Pakhomov
Last position: President, Chairman of the board (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "POST BANK")