the mirovy premiere of the ballet will take place in the Bolshoi theater

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Performance will show on the Historical scene. "Queen of spades" becomes the first ballet premiere of a season. In the Bolshoi theater the world premiere will take place on December 14. Audience will see the two-act ballet "Queen of spades" directed by the choreographer Posokhov Youri. Music to performance was written by the composer Krasavin Youri based on the opera of the same name Chaykovsky Petr. In interview to the "Kommersant" Posokhov Youri told that his "Queen of spades" will differ from classical work. For example, the choreographer plans to show the countess in several images during the different periods of life and in the different relations. "Is at us small...
Vyacheslav Dolgachev
Last position: Art director (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "Novy drama theater")
Posokhov Youri
Krasavin Youri
Chaykovsky Petr
Lazareva Catherina